Last week went well for me. I needed this. I needed to get back into the swing of things. A few past authors wanted to know if I was going back to be a publicist. I had to decline. It is a must right now to refrain from delving too far into the industry again. Although I must say I miss being a major part of the author's dreams. For now, I am going to focus on my own. Sorry fellow pen mates.
With that said this Motivating Monday blog is going to cover Media. I am going to open Pandora’s box labeled. Media Coverage.
We get so overwhelmed self-publishing we tend to crawl into our shells when trying to extend our reach. We think that we don’t have the connections or know-how and that is simply not so. With the way social media is taking over, there isn’t anyone who can’t be reached. I lacked consistency at one time but I am fighting to WIN so that is no longer an option. Where-ever and whenever to reach whoever I can! I now my motto! Forget the word CAN’T unless the word believes I made that happen are following behind. TRADITIONAL marketing is now out the window. TRADITION WHO? Exactly!
So, this week we are gonna be BEASTS! Professional BEASTS, but no doubt BEASTS! Let’s talk MEDIA. Not just social media but the media as a whole. Who do you know? Not quite sure the ages of my readers quite yet but I do know that we all know atleast5 people who have television, newspaper, blog, vlog, www., Come on THINK! Maybe there is an old classmate that can put you on. Here is a tip. Be on top of your game. Create a journal of where you sent emails. So you are not cluttered with other stuff and its free set-up an email. Make them relative to your book. Eye-catchy too. I use Google because it offers so much. If you are sending inquiries for book signings, make sure you recognize the email for just that. DON’T use it for anything else.
Believe me, at least 75% of your graduating year will be reachable. You never know your ex may be the cameraman for NBC, or finds people to get on the Ellen Degerneess. I dunno. I’m just saying.
Another large outlet would be LinkedIn. This can be a playground for connecting to the right people.
(HINT :Occupation posted.)Some use it to personally ask for job connections and media reach. Just be mindful and respectful of that person’s position.
You may want to keep the communication in an inbox when asking for a favor. Keep the inquiry light and funny. Attach your information. And throw in a remember when...