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bnhm rewards....

Who doesn't love earning points to purchase cool stuff? Well we do, so why not give you a chance to as well! BNHM loves to offer our members and site visitors opportunities to collect reward points and use them to purchase cool stuff and books from out store. Points can be earned for purchases, participation in contests, reading and/or art activities, events and more! For more information regarding rewards, or how you can earn points please check out the details below or email us at

Points can be earned by submitting art projects, shop purchases, referring a friend for memberships or subscriptions, social network interaction and more...

The Point Store provides a number of products/services that members can access using points/rewards:


Club Memberships

Arty Art Box Club Membership (only):150 points

Dare2BeStylish Bow Tie Club Membership (only):150 points

Sock Club Membership (only):150 points

Full Treehouse Membership: 300 points


Events: up to 25 points (unless specified on event advertisement)

Social Media Interaction: up to 5 points (likes, tags & followings)

Newsletter subscriptions: up to 5 points

Activities/Contest Submissions: up to 5 points

Website Page Shares (one per post): 10 points

Books Reviews: up to 10 points

Shop Purchases

$0.00 -$50.00 = 10 points

$50.01-100.00 = 15 points

$100.01-200.00 = 20 points

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