submission guidelines
JULY 01, 2020
Please do read this section carefully before you submit! If you don’t stick to the guidelines, given the volume of approaches we have, you’re reducing your chances of us looking at your work seriously. We are currently taking submissions for children's books for ages 1 to 8. Please be professional. Do not submit any book with inappropriate content or racially offensive.
Please don’t be too disappointed if we reject your work or don’t respond! We’re a small company and can only publish a few new books each year, so do try other publishers and agents. Publishing is a hugely subjective business. Please allow 6-8 weeks for response and DO NOT submit twice.
artist/illustrator submissions:
We review picture book projects and sample illustrations as well as book designs with the use of vectors, clip art and illustrations. To submit a picture book, please review the picture book guidelines above. To submit samples, please send them in the form best suited to the art (postcard, 8 ½ x 11 inches, etc.). Keep in mind that one well-presented submission will be more attractive than several submissions or a submission in many parts. If you are a clip art designer, please send unpublished art only.
Also include:
Email Address
Website address (if available)
Portfolio address
List of projects you have contributed to
editor submissions:
Editors play essential parts in the publishing process. Brand New Happy Moon Publishing are looking for experienced and well-rounded editors to join our team. Because children's books are different, we ask your experience include some work with children's books. Please submit the information at the link below.
Also include:
Email Address
Author References (include contact information)
List of projects you have edited
Genres you've edited